Trademark Realty Recruiting

Join The Trademark Team!!
Please Either Call Ted Pope 301-230-2300
or Fill Out The Information Below:
The Trademark Realty name provides instant name recognition to increase your business
We provide 7-day per week secretarial and managerial assistance
The key to success is Listings and Trademark Realty is a” Magnet for Listings”
Our staff will create your Farming, Prospecting and Listing packages - Free
We have regular sales training classes for both new and experienced agents.
Tools and Training classes for Listings, Sales, and Prospecting run all the time.
Location, Location, Location – we are just off the Beltway in Montgomery and PG
When agents transfer their license here – They immediately start earning more!
Best of all this is a Fun and Exciting place to work – where agents get along
Come Join us - it is the Best Move You will ever Make!
Call Ted Pope. Louis Pope or Craig Diemer today for your confidential interview and office tour. 301-230-2300 or 301-441-1100